When I look down off of my pier, I see transparent grass shrimp skimming the sandy bottom. Buds of grass are beginning to become obelisk-like hideouts for perch and blue gills. The adjacent shoreline went from skeletons to full bloom oaks and dogwoods that reflect off the water and remind us that spring is truly here.
Ahh yes, spring- and with it comes striper keeper season! I was fortunate enough to get out on opening day on the 17th and bring home a 31 inch striper which I filleted and shared with friends and neighbors. My girlfriend, three friends, and I participated in the Boatyard Bar and Grill catch and release tournament this year and braved four foot seas by the bay bridge to land 2 fish (31" and 33"). We didn't win, but a great time was had by most; One girlfriend in particular gets the trooper award for sticking it out even after being soaked while napping on the bow. The rock are running hard now and seem to really love chartruese umbrella rigs at varying depths. Most of our luck was on the western side of the old susquehanna river channel, about 1/4 mi south of the bridge.
We saw marks all over the shipping channel, too, but the fish seemed to have serious lockjaw by the time we got there.
On the Severn front, I put a crab pot in with an eel that I caught and cut up, as well as some chicken necks. So far, I have 6 keeper crabs! My eel trap seems to be pulling in some good sized eels too- cant wait to go eel fishing!
Last night I went trolling off my kayak with a green beetle spinner and pulled in 8 white perch which I cleaned up and cooked over a fire. Delicious!
Spring is definently here so make sure to break out the light tackle and get out on the bay before the big ones leave the bay!